This particular March 23rd had another something that made it unforgettable, only in a completely opposite way.
That's the day I went to Monroe to go with Casey and Charlie to the sonogram. That horrible terrible sonogram. The one where the picture I saw on the screen will forever be etched in my brain. The one where when I saw it, I knew. No one else in the room knew aside from the technician, who was deafeningly silent. One of the very saddest days in my entire life. Such loss and pain. The day Casey lost her first baby, our precious little Carson.
Thats the day that Danny, Calley, Josiah, Isaac, and Amaus along with Lesley got in a plane and flew across the world to PERU to meet their daughter,

A day of loss for us became a day of such gain for them. We lost someone we already loved who we had never seen, nor would ever get to see. They were traveling to gain a daughter who they already loved but had never seen. Tremendous loss, and great gain, on the same date.
The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord. Job 1:21
This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24
Never before seen pictures, not even by Casey I dont think. Taken just before the great sadness began.