So- We, (Me, my daughter, and her daughter) took off on a road trip this past weekend. We made it fine with one wrong turn and one almost wrong turn. We got there and back in one piece. Avery Grace did AMAZING! I was a little concerned about how long she would be able to stay in that car seat. We had planned to stop whenever she needed to. Actually though, we only stopped twice going up. Once was because of the wrong turn or- exit to be exact. The other was for fuel. Then coming home we only stopped once at lunch! She was ready to stop then for sure but really was excellent! We were so proud of her. She had a good time at Grandma's.

She LOVED Bogie (my moms Yorkie-Tzu). I knew she would. She loves animals.

She just chased Bogie all around.

He was really good with her and she was really easy with him too. She was really good while we were there. I think we may have worn her out though.

We played outside. The weather wasnt too terribly hot. So we enjoyed moms yard.

We got to see and enjoy a home cooked meal with my sister and her husband.

I brought the bubbles, so we did that too. Avery loved chasing them around the yard.

Chasing dogs, cats, and bubbles did make for a tired baby at times. I love how she hunts for her blankie when she wants it and then when she finds it she holds it close and pats it. It's so sweet.

It was fun to watch Avery play with the dog. She would get so excited when he would grab his toy from her. She chased him around with it wanting him to take it from her. This is the face she would make when he did.

I am so glad we got to go and I am so so glad that Casey and Avery went with me. Every little girl should get to spend time with their Great Grandmother, especially when they are as Great as hers is!
Harlee gets her "sthilky" and her "bobble" (cup) and wants to lay in Poppa's chair when she's sleepy (but won't admit it).
I LOVE the picture of her with her hands in front of her mouth! Cute!
Glad y'all had a good, safe time.
Your mom looks REALLY good! =)
Did you get to see Johnny D and his girls, too?
Love all the smiles! You guy's look like you're having a ball in the last pic.
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