My last two posts have been mostly about memories. When I realized that today was Grandparents day I again remembered back to one Sunday quite a while ago. It was some point after Casey and Charlie had lost Carson, our little grandson. I was at church on Sunday. We were sitting in the Adult Sunday School classroom and the sounds of little feet were thumping in the hallway outside. Squeals of excitement burst forth. A friend of mine who is the Grandma of one of the little giggling children, "Grandma Red" to be exact said to me, "One day you will be hearing your grandchildren run and squeal through those halls too." I wasn't so sure how that would play out at that time. But there is almost nothing better than to see my sweet grandbaby toddle down those halls. On this Grandparents Day I am so honored to be the Grandparent of this sweet precious miracle from God.
This little girl,
Avery Grace Reeves Who is sometimes a little shy.

Who loves to clap her hands to music,

Who loves to dance,

Who loves animals of all kinds,

Who's hair is finally long enough to wear a pony tail,

I am so BLESSED and HONORED to be called Nonna to this little girl.
And SHAME ON ME for not knowing it was grandparents day!
Great post, made me cry. LOVE YOU!
an adorable LSU outfit for an adorable little girl!!
Yes, you are blessed. But Avery is, too. You and Todd are two of the sweetest grandparents ever! I always knew you would be and you know I love to say "I told you so." Well, only when it's good. =)
So sweet! I had no idea it was grandparents day.
That is so sweet. :) Ya'll are some incredible grandparents!
Oh- and don't worry about too many pics. HA- I broke some kind of record a few posts back, attempting to catch up on a month's worth of events...hehe
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