We had a fantastic time together. Our living room was full to the brim with love, excitement, paper and ribbon!

Mark got some LSU stuff he asked for.

Josh got some Saints stuff he asked for.

Casey got some new Shades that were to die for.

We were all completely blessed beyond measure.
It was a joy to see Avery coming in wondering what was up.

And her Nursery Rhyme book.

As you can see here she REALLY enjoyed her ball that her Great Uncle Johnny sent!

But the opening of them left room to be desired where she was concerned. So maybe next year Casey and Charlie may try leaving some of her things unwrapped. (As horrid as that sounds to me) hehehe
Here it seems as though she is thinking, 'You silly people, you know how long it takes me to clean these floors and now you have gone and thrown everything down for me to pick up! Silly, silly people."

And yes, Nonna and Poppa did get her a Barbie Car. I know I know. But hey, I remember how excited her mommy was when we got her a Beetle Bug -(a much larger blue one) so why not bless this little miracle with one of her own? Anyway, it was ON SALE! And they didn't have what I really wanted OR what I chose for Plan B- So this is what we ended up with.

She didn't quite get the hang of actually driving it yet, but LOVED, getting in and out and in and out of it.
After the morning festivities, which included a LARGE and delicious breakfast made by "Yours truly" the game was on.

Then Avery landed in her favorite napping spot. Believe me, there were no complaints from Poppa who just happens to be wearing his new hoody that Mark got him.

This family is totally blessed to have YOU.
Christmas was great, magnificient and over the top - as always :)
You do such a good job planning, decorating, buying, wrapping, cooking and I know the list goes on!
Love you mom :)
I am blessed to have such a loving and wonderful family. Was very happy to share some of the Christmas fun with you this year!
Great to see your children growing into these special, smart and talented young adults!! I love you all so much.
For what it's worth I think you have a pretty GREAT family too! I'm glad your Christmas was amazing!
Looks like so much fun!!! Casey, you look so much like your mom in that picture!!! :)
Cristi, having unwrapped presents under the tree must come from our side, because my mom always had a few unwrapped ones, too.
Great pictures. Glad y'all had a good Christmas! I have got to post some of mine, but waiting on Becca and Lauren to open theirs tomorrow. Then I can post all of them in one post. =)
MJ - I thought the same thing about the picture of Casey. :)
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