Todd knew I wanted to go to the beach this summer at some point and he decided to surprise me with setting up a trip! I was so glad we got to go. Josh even went with us which surprised me some. Especially since the friends he invited to go with us couldn't make the trip. He wanted Uncle Mic to go in their place but he couldn't get off work, so it was just the three of us. I was a little concerned about him being bored to death but it was fine. While we were there we enjoyed the view from our room.

I loved being able to wake up first thing in the morning and open the curtain and see God's handiwork. It was awesome. Then I would immediately freshen up and head out there. I couldn't get enough. Pour my coffee, bring something to read and get to the water, that's what I did. I don't know why I bring something to read though. I open it, and read a few lines and then look at the water for 15 minutes. Then read a few lines, then eyes up to the horizon again for the next 20 minutes. You don't get very far in the book that way. LOL But I just think, why do I want to look away from this? Cant do it for long. So after a bit Todd would make his way out there and we would enjoy it together. Eventually Josh would get up and get down there too. Getting in the water is not my most favorite part of the whole beach experience. The guys love to do that though.

They threw the football in the water.

They wrestled in the water too.

Todd got those goggles on and explored.

I know he would LOVE to go snorkeling if he wouldn't get sea sick on the boat trip out there. Anyway I do like getting in some but not even every day. I like to walk the edge and find sea shells in the crashing waves. It was great. We were blessed with a full moon while there. At night the moon would shine so brightly on the water it was amazing. I thought about trying to take a picture (Of course) and it actually turned out pretty good.

We also went down to the pier that you can see in this shot.

I love going down there. There are so many interesting people there.

I like watching the fishing although this trip there wasn't much catching of the fish. LOL Too bad for all these guys.

Oh yes, the most important part for Todd this trip. His highlight was the trip he and I took to Five Flags Speedway. He used to go there as a kid and found out that there was a race Friday night. So off we went. Josh opted to stay back at the Hotel so he could watch LSU win a ball game. Todd was like a little kid. I am not kidding. This guy loved this activity. We were there until almost 11 P.M. It was pretty cool though. We saw some crashes.

It was really loud. I had never been to anything like that so it was a great experience. Of course now Todd wants to go down to the Track in Monroe. So I think we are gonna plan that for him. The next day we went jet skiing. Todd would tell Josh how fast he was going so then Josh would have to try to go that fast with Mom on the back. That was a little disconcerting, but fun. Then back to the beach again.

Late one night we played a game of scrabble.

Interestingly enough our score was 125 to 125 to 125! The guys were not quite as happy about the outcome of that game as I was. I thought it was neat that we were all equal! The last day we went on the parasailing trip. Of course when we got there they were running behind even though we had an appointment. So we waited and waited and waited.

But really after getting up in the sky above God's glorious beauty, feeling the wind in your face, and listening to the silence, it was definitely worth the wait.

All in all this trip was a winner. :)
Those pics are GREAT! I can't get over the ones of the beach with NO people. What, did you get up at 5 AM?! Lar's favorite part of the trip would have been the race, too. Duh!
I can't imagine you, Miss Competitive, being okay with a tied score in a game, but I definitely know that Josh wasn't! He didn't say "Two out of three?" LOL
Oh, and I love that you caught the dolphins in a picture! and the moonlight over the water! Not crazy about the sand, but would LOVE to get some great beach shots. =)
What fun! I really want to take Jonah to the beach. We aren't real beach people but I'd at least like for him to see the ocean and touch the sand. A good mom should do that, right?
Just saw your twitter comment. I want to see her pictures! Send me a password, please!
I love these photos. I need to get to work...more orders and editing that I need to finish since I will be getting Natalie Friday night. But I just want to tell you what beautiful photographs. Love the coloring...I assume this is some of your post work. I really want to get this camera for Brittany. I saw one on ebay the other day that was refurbished and went for just over $300. Anyhow...you'll have to show her what you're doing and with what softeware.
These pics are amazing. And guess what....wait for it....it made ME want to go to the BEACH. Yes, me - the beach hater. it is just beautiful and the water looked just like it did in Mexico. I didn't remember Florida being so pretty! Glad y'all had so much fun. I am checking into Monroe Speedway stuff for daddy...I need to know what weekend.
What beautiful pictures!!! The last real trip Jonathan and I took was on our honeymoon in Cozumel. lol Can't wait to plan another one! I want to take him to Belize next!
Man- your pics are great. We have to hang out sometime soon and I'll bring my camera and you can coach me through some stuff! I think it's so sweet that Josh still went when his friends cancelled. Good for him!
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