My husband did not go for a Doctors' appointment recently and pass completely out with the blood draw cause that's never happened before. He also doesnt have an exaggerated pause in his heart where his heart stops when he passes out! Good grief! I did not leave in a rush when he called for me to come pick him up leaving my cell phone behind because I certainly wouldnt need it. I did not pull into the parking lot of the Doctor's office ~~Well the parking lot where the doctor's office had previously been the last time I went to that Doctor's office. The Doctor had not moved his office leaving me with no clue as to where my husband might be. I did not drive down the highway looking for the office, questioning myself as to whether or not I had gone to the right place to begin with. I do not get that confused about where I am going. I did not turn back around and go to a store next to where the old office had been to ask a friend where they may have moved to. That store was definitely NOT CLOSED! In no way whatsoever was I stressed about the whole thing. No not me. I was not sitting there wondering if an ambulance had already beat me to it and picked Todd up taking him to a hospital somewhere. NOT LIKE THAT'S EVER HAPPENED BEFORE! And anyway, of course I had my cell phone with me so I could call him and find out where he was, because I would NEVER leave it when I was rushing out somewhere important. I was not somewhat relieved when I went in the office that was now in the Doctor's former office and ask them and they directed me to the correct place. My husband was not at all wondering what in the heck took me so long to get there to pick him up. He was not READY TO GET OUT OF THERE! My sweetie does not dislike Doctor's, Hospitals, Needles, nor Blood!
My life as a child of the King, a wife, a mom, and a Nonna - and how JESUS IS in every part.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
God Bless America
A while back I was blessed to be able to go to my first ever, but hopefully not last, Beth Moore Simulcast. Casey was going with one of her bloggy friends and I got invited! I was so excited. I was blessed and really enjoyed the day. Casey's bloggy friend is Laura, and you can read her blog here. She is very sweet and I enjoyed spending that day with them and getting to know Laura a little bit. I have been following her blog since that day. Not too long ago she blogged about a giveaway. Well I am ALWAYS up for a giveaway. So I hopped right on over here to sign up for a chance to win a prize. GUESS WHAT!!!! Yep we have a WINNER! I won! That's happened to me before. I blogged about that here. I also won something from Jami Ainsworth Photography a good while back. Man there seems to be a pattern here. LOL I hope it happens again. Oh, does that sound a little greedy? You're right. I hope it happens to you. but for now I am EXCITED that my new Fourth of July Plaque that says "God Bless America" is in the mail on it's way to ME! :) I have just the spot for it. Can't wait. So if you are looking for something to look at online, stop on over at Careys blog Providence, maybe you will get a blessing. I sure did. God Bless America, God Bless You, and God Bless us All.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Father's Day Weekend
We really had a very nice time this year Father's Day Weekend. On Friday Mark drove up to spend the night. He couldn't be here on Sunday because he had to work but was able to come on Friday. He took us out to dinner which was VERY NICE! We enjoyed our evening with him. He headed out the next morning. Then on Saturday Charlie, Casey, & Avery came to town. I had the birthday boy (Charlie who turned 26!) a strawberry cake which was awesome (and pink). I also blew up some balloons (which also happened to be pink). And I even got some flowers to freshen things up a bit. So a girly birthday it was for Charlie but he didn't care. LOL {I enjoyed the fresh flowers and Avery really enjoyed the pink balloons} He enjoyed his present from us and the cake!
We went out to dinner that night too and Casey picked up her Dad's tab for Father's Day! Then on Sunday, Todd's parents came and Mickey was here too. We missed Mark that day. Josh was out of town and didn't get in until the evening and we missed him during the day too. The rest of us had a really great time together though. After church we grilled hamburgers and sausage. Todd's mom made her delicious potato salad. She even made her chocolate pie too! YUMMY! We also had some of that Strawberry cake left. So no one can say we don't eat enough around here. When things werent quite so hot outside, later that afternoon we went out into the yard. Now it WAS still hot. But boy did we enjoy the afternoon. Avery loved her pool.
She jumped and splashed and poured and poured some more. She would say "Play Mama play" "Play Nonna play". That meant she wanted us to put our feet in too.
I turned on the water hose
and she loved that
even more than the pool.
She tried getting us all wet with it which brought lots of squeals and giggles.
When her daddy let her drown him in it she was beside herself.
We brought out the old stilts and took turns walking on them.
Even Pawpaw (or Paps as Avery calls him) who is 79 years old took off across the yard like there was nothing to it.
If we had two sets, Todd and his dad could have had a contest. They both seemed pretty skilled at it. I think Bill might have taken the prize though. We also pulled out the old horseshoes! The guys had a good time. I even played a game myself.
I got one leaner! That's 3 points just so you know! Woo Hoo LOL
Avery decided the best way to cool off aside from the water was the fresh pineapple and strawberries left over from our lunch. She was RIGHT. It was delicious and refreshing, and SO IS SHE!
It was a wonderful day filled with family. No better way to spend a Father's Day I think.

Avery decided the best way to cool off aside from the water was the fresh pineapple and strawberries left over from our lunch. She was RIGHT. It was delicious and refreshing, and SO IS SHE!

Thursday, June 17, 2010
Just so You Know
I am having some computer problems which is why I am not blogging lately. I thought those problems were resolved yesterday but much to my dismay they remain unresolved! Hopefully things will be up and running again soon. Until then - Dont miss me too badly! :)
And just because ----here is tiny Avery.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Not Me Monday

- I did not get my first ever speeding ticket in Natchez on the other day. I was really busy and in a hurry! :) 45 years isnt too bad to go without one.
- I have not had TWO graduations and graduation parties to plan and prepare for. Congrats again to Josh and Mark!
- I did not have a cruise to pack and ready for the weekend after that.
- I did not immensely enjoy that cruise.
- I am sure you have NOT seen any pictures from that trip at all.
- I did not totally forget about the aforementioned ticket with all of that going on.
- I absolutely DID NOT let the deadline to pay the ticket get past me. No way did I do that, because that would be CRIMINAL!
- The back of that ticket did NOT say that if you missed your deadline for payment, a warrant would be issued for your ARREST!
- I was not almost in tears going in to pay it. I wasn't in the least concerned that when I went in to pay it they would come around the counter and handcuff me, then proceed to strip me of my cute brown print pencil skirt and make me wear drawstring stripes. Nor was I afraid that I would be put in some cell with a crack head who hadn't bathed in days.
- I was not RELIEVED when they just took my money and sent me on my way.
- That money was not the rest of Joshua's graduation gift I had been waiting on. (my bonus)
- I have not learned that IT does NOT pay to be in a hurry, YOU DO! :)
Saturday, June 5, 2010
A Little More
Well I DID take a LOT of pictures. So here is yet another view of our trip!
This is our cabin!
This is the Sports Deck.
This is from inside the elevator.
This is the water.
This is our Church Service with Joe's brother, Warren bringing the sermon. :)
This is a storm brewing across the way.

A look up
A look out
On a moonlight walk, and in awe of God's beauty.
This is our cabin!

This is the Sports Deck.

This is from inside the elevator.

This is the water.

This is our Church Service with Joe's brother, Warren bringing the sermon. :)

This is a storm brewing across the way.

A look up

A look out

On a moonlight walk, and in awe of God's beauty.

Thursday, June 3, 2010
Cozumel Baby!
For this Louisiana girl who has never been much of anywhere (at least in my opinion), it was way cool to wake up in Mexico! So as soon as we got up, we headed to breakfast. Of course we weren't missing breakfast, no way. By the way, that morning I had pancakes with blueberries, bacon, hash browns, orange and grapefruit wedges, and coffee. Hey, I needed the energy for the day ahead! After breakfast we went onto the deck and took in the view.
The water was awesome. The shades of blue were like crystal. We were excited to be getting off the ship and getting to a BEACH! Several of us chose the Beach Excursion. We hopped on a bus which took us to a beach. Linda told me lunch was included in the price of this excursion. I was not expecting a Buffet though. I dont know what I really was expecting. Sack lunch maybe. lol Anyway we had plenty to eat and several things to do. There were Kayaks. That's Warren, Nathan, and Beaux in that one.
There was this trampoline floating on the beautiful water.
There was also a "Rock Climbing Wall" which they called an Iceberg.
It too was floating. It looked easy enough. But when I say it was tough, I mean dang near impossible. But I did conquer it. My legs got a little shaky at one point-muscle spasms I guess. I certainly stretched my legs further than anyone should in a bathing suit, but victory was SWEET. You know, after I caught my breath. lol
We enjoyed the sunshine, saw a parrot
and an Iguana (I guess that's what this is).
We goofed around a little and just had fun.
Then just before time to go I asked Todd if he wanted to go out on the catamaran. He didnt want to. I guess he was so glad that he hadnt gotten sea sick yet, he didnt want to push it. lol But Pattie heard me ask him and she said she would go. We then talked Beth and Linda into going with us and boy was I glad we went.
The water there on the beach was beautiful but once we got out into the deeper water it was unbelievable!
I LOVED it. I was sooooooooo glad we did that before we left. Well we did a little shopping there in Cancun and then back to the ship. The day went by pretty fast but the good news was, we still had a whole evening of fun on the ship left to do that night. I am so glad Joe called Todd and invited us, and I am so glad he said yes even though I was unsure. I am thankful to God that He blessed us with this trip. I hope we get to go again sometime. For now I will have these pictures to look back on and remember.

There was this trampoline floating on the beautiful water.

There was also a "Rock Climbing Wall" which they called an Iceberg.

We enjoyed the sunshine, saw a parrot

Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Carnival Elation
A good while back a friend of ours gave Todd a call. He told him that he was planning a Cruise for his family and a few friends. He was wondering if we wold be interested in going on our first cruise with them. I sorta didn't think we would end up going for a while. Then when it got closer I realized that we really were gonna get to go. Then I got a little nervous. I knew that Todd got motion sickness at times. So I was real concerned that he would be sick the whole time and just hate it. I didn't want that to happen at all but especially when we were with a group of people who would all know he was sick. Then I thought what if I was the one who ended up sick and in the cabin the whole time. Anyway, turns out, neither of us got sick for a second! We had a fabulous time on The Carnival Elation with our friends. 
Todd pretty much felt like THIS the whole time. 
Basically everyone did!
I have never see water that blue before.
It was gorgeous. Seriously there has to be a better word than that for it. I loved the color of the water when the engines stirred it up. It was a beautiful teal.
There were so many things to do on the ship. There was basketball, ping pong, and volleyball just to name a few.
Of course there was swimming and hot tubs and laying out in the sunshine. You can tell that made me and Pattie happy!
There were shows everynight which were good reasons to dress up. We loved the shows. There was also shopping on the ship. One day we were looking around in the shops and I saw this amazing necklace that I mentioned would look fantastic with my dress for the evening. When I picked it up and saw the price I put it right back down. A little pricy for us. I didnt know Swarovsky Crystals were expensive. Silly me. Anyway we went on our way. Once we got back to our room I got in the shower to get ready for the dressy dinner we were heading to. (Lobster and shrimp) Can you hear me say, YUM?! Anyway back to the story... When I got out of the shower and was dressing. I opened the dresser drawer. Inside was a little velvet pouch. I thought it was there for you to put your jewelry in for safe keeping or something. I ignored it and went on dressing. A little later Todd asked me to put the Gideon Bible he had been reading back in that drawer. I took it from him and laid it on the counter. A few minutes later, he asked me again to put the Bible up in the drawer. So I finally did. When I opened the drawer, he asked me what that pouch was. Then I got it. Oh my goodness, no he didnt. Yes he did! He said Happy Anniversary! He had gone back down to that store while I was in the shower and purchased that beautiful necklace for me. He didnt want me to find it until I had my dress on. Once I got dressed, then he led me to it. He is the SWEETEST! Isn't it beautiful?
We stayed up late every night which is very unusual for us. We had a wonderful time. I loved pretty much everything about it. The sun was warm and beautiful. The sunsets were amazing.
The breezes were great. The food was plentiful, and believe me I mean PLENTIFUL and delicious. The staff was friendly, helpful, and hard working. The weather was perfect. The rooms were comfortable. And-- the company was the BEST!
More about the Beach later!

Basically everyone did!

I have never see water that blue before.

There were so many things to do on the ship. There was basketball, ping pong, and volleyball just to name a few.

Of course there was swimming and hot tubs and laying out in the sunshine. You can tell that made me and Pattie happy!

There were shows everynight which were good reasons to dress up. We loved the shows. There was also shopping on the ship. One day we were looking around in the shops and I saw this amazing necklace that I mentioned would look fantastic with my dress for the evening. When I picked it up and saw the price I put it right back down. A little pricy for us. I didnt know Swarovsky Crystals were expensive. Silly me. Anyway we went on our way. Once we got back to our room I got in the shower to get ready for the dressy dinner we were heading to. (Lobster and shrimp) Can you hear me say, YUM?! Anyway back to the story... When I got out of the shower and was dressing. I opened the dresser drawer. Inside was a little velvet pouch. I thought it was there for you to put your jewelry in for safe keeping or something. I ignored it and went on dressing. A little later Todd asked me to put the Gideon Bible he had been reading back in that drawer. I took it from him and laid it on the counter. A few minutes later, he asked me again to put the Bible up in the drawer. So I finally did. When I opened the drawer, he asked me what that pouch was. Then I got it. Oh my goodness, no he didnt. Yes he did! He said Happy Anniversary! He had gone back down to that store while I was in the shower and purchased that beautiful necklace for me. He didnt want me to find it until I had my dress on. Once I got dressed, then he led me to it. He is the SWEETEST! Isn't it beautiful?

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