Even now I am listening to the GREAT CD I won! Kari Jobe - Its wonderful. I cant wait till I can spend a morning with some Praise and Coffee! Doesnt that sound fantastic. A little quiet morning with the Kari Jobi CD playing, a steamy cup of coffee, the morning sun shining, the sound of birds chirping... Oh the thought.
I love winning prizes! Thanks Praise and Coffee! This reminds me of the time when I won "Mother of the Year" It was a radio contest back when my kids were pretty little. I won $100 worth of free groceries, A floor lamp which I still use (time to retire that thing), Ray Ban Sunglasses (which I do not still use but I did wear for several years - I loved those things), A dozen roses, A limo ride around town to pick up all my prizes. (They took me to the grocery store to get my $100 worth of groceries! LOL while we were there someone backed into the Limo and if I remember right the air went out or something, and while I shopped they brought a different Limo to bring me home in), oh yea and *Cocktails* at the "Ramada Inn" which I politely declined. :) I did take the case of cokes though. There was one other thing like some concert or something else that I declined. But what fun it was to win. The kids thought the Limo was so grand. They let them ride around the block in it but they couldnt take the whole ride with me because of insurance or something. Anyway what fun that was and what fun this is!
I'm so glad you like the prizes!! I love to share praise and coffee :)
How fun! I never win anything. HA! I'll have to check out that CD.
You could share-- like you did with the limo ride. ha
Did you ever see the comment on mine when I won the baby afghan? I came after Leon and was too small for him, so I gave it to Elizabeth. I don't think it got cold enough for her to use it, though. It was still fun to win something! =)
I love winning too! I just got my picture frame in the mail- although it was more of an award than 'winning'.
Love ya
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