Wow I can hardly believe it. We DID get snow here in Vidalia - LOUISIANA! Way down south. Rarely do we see this.

I thought is was really pretty looking out my window and outside taking a few shots of the fluff coming down.

Did I mention that we dont see this often. I debated whether or not to get out. I was by myself. Poor Todd had to work in it. Josh was sleeping but I knew he wouldnt be interested either. I made my mind up though and went for a ride all alone. Boy was I glad I did. I thought it was beautiful from my house but man what I saw when I got out was gorgeous.

I love the shots with some color in them.

I went to a place I love to go. It is so pretty up here and I go from time to time. I call it my thinking spot.

So if you ever know that something is going on in my life and you cant seem to find me, check this spot. "The Briars"

I love to go just sit up here and think and pray. I dont do it often but from time to time I enjoy it. I was right it was really pretty up there.
From this shot you can see how high the Mississippi River is right now. Hmmmmm...

Then I went to the golf course.

My daddy golfed here, and my boys too. Never when it was white though.

So even though I would have much preferred that Todd was with me; cause I like doing everything with him, I still had a nice time taking photos of Gods beauty, and sipping hot coffee from the thermal cup I brought with me. I am sure it wont last long so I am glad I got to document it. When my memory fades I will be able to come back to this blog and be reminded.
No, it didn't last long. Aren't you glad we were WRONG?! That doesn't happen often either. About as often as it snows, right? LOL
Love the pictures. I put some of Harlee in the snow on Facebook. Heading to Mal's and Texas in a min. See ya when I get back. Have fun at the banquet tonight. =)
Wow I have never seen the golf course like that. We spent so many summers out there, I absolutely love Duncan Park.
Beautiful pictures! I loved the snow, too!!
You got some gorgeous pics! Once in a lifetime (or 10 yr span) opportunity in LA! Glad you went, wish I could've been there!
You got some very good pictures! If they had a contest, I am sure you would win! Love the one of the bridge with color in bushes from The Briars. They are all so pretty.
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